Algonquin Park Birthday Day !

Clint took the photo of me (above) this past Thursday, Smoke Lake is behind me.

So …………….How did I get this old this quick? lol Time sure flies……….I turned 65 this past Thursday (2 May) and Clint had asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I told him I wanted to go to Algonquin Park, my favourite spot. We got up at 430 am on Thursday and drove the 2 1/2 hours to the Park to spend two days there. We had rented a motel room in Whitney, a tiny little village just outside the main gate of the Park. Usually we camp but our trailer is not ready to be used yet and we were only going for one night. My birthday dinner was at the Mad Musher restaurant just down from our motel where we had a nice dinner and maybe a beer or three……….

We did lots of hiking, lots of driving and saw 4 moose, fox, grouse, assorted ducks, herons, birds and some more stuff!

We had a great two days, the weather was pretty good too. Hopefully no more rain for a bit, it’s been raining a lot here but at least stopped in time for my birthday ! lol

Thanks for stopping by !