Algonquin Park – Fall 2022…. Some Miscellaneous Stuff, not to be missed!

I love campfires, Clint…not so much ! When we camp this time of year, you need a lot of firewood or you stay in your trailer. It’s chilly out some days and warm other days. We went from 23 Celsius to below zero Celsius. We were usually out and about all day but when we were at our site, a campfire was the best !

A couple of mornings we got up and there was frost everywhere, in fact one morning there was a tiny bit of snow on the ground. I like to take photos when everything is frosty and icy, looks kind of cool. Below are 3 photos I took, something different.

Our home for a month……….the firepit is way over to the left, we had a big site!

One day we drove to Dorset, about a 30 minute drive from Algonquin Park. So long story short, well sort of short………..When I was a kid, my parents owned a cottage just outside of Dorset on Harvey Lake. We used to spend summers there and I mean all summer. My Mom didn’t drive so my Dad would drive us up the day after school ended in June and we would stay until school started in September. My Dad would go back home and work and then come up on weekends. We lived on an Army base at the time, (Dad was in the Army), and it was about a two hour drive each way so Dad was probably tired a lot! We loved it up there and my Uncle owned the empty lot beside us and then my Grandparents had the cottage on the other side of his empty lot. It was quite fun, we always had relatives to visit and we got to know the other cottagers on the lake. There were only 8 cottages on one shoreline, the rest was Crown Land. It was interesting because my other Grandfather used to work at a logging camp on the other side of the lake when he was young. Pretty cool. He was born and raised in Baysville, in this area.

After my Mom passed away, I was a youngster, my Dad and Grandparents sold off their properties. I wish we still had it though. Anyways, this trip we decided to check out our old cottage, here are some photos. It brought back so many memories, happy ones as well as a lot of nostalgia.

Back in Algonquin Park………………There is a trail we like to hike and this time we took Trum in my backpack and I didn’t lose him this trip. One hike we did last Fall, he fell out of my backpack and panic ensued lol. He is a rebel, no rules for him.

A favourite spot for people is Canoe Lake (it’s a huge lake) and they can rent kayaks or canoes and go for a paddle. We have our own canoe but I am not fond of this lake. I have talked about this spot before, they have a gift shop, restaurant and another store downstairs. The Fall colours were lovely on Canoe Lake this year.

Another post, I’m on a roll ! See you next time