Mansfield, Ohio – Shawshank Reformatory

We wanted to stop at the Ohio State Reformatory or the Shawshank Reformatory. The Shawshank Redemption is one of my all time favourite movies and if you haven’t seen it, you should check it out. The movie was shot at this prison and they have all kinds of information about that and much more.

We did a guided tour and I’m glad we did, our guide was terrific. We also got to go to some areas that you can’t go to if you are on your own. After the tour, which was about 90 minutes, you could still tour the whole property on your own. Our guide took us up to the roof and we could see another prison not far away. We could see the prisoners outside in the yard and we were told to not take pictures or stare too long over there. They had little popups of the people in the movie and lots of trivia to read, we were there about 3 hours. ($72 US for 2 people)

Cincinnati is the next stop !

10 thoughts on “Mansfield, Ohio – Shawshank Reformatory”

  1. Wow, the place looks so creepy inside, especially the cell block! Apparently, they really don’t want the Ghost Hunters or the like going in there. Is the beautiful old building the prison? Does it look like that inside? 🫨

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  2. Wow, that’s amazing! I love Shawshank Redemption too. I did a very cool prison tour in Philadelphia – my audio tour guide was Steve Buscemi!

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