Cincinnati, Ohio – American Sign Museum

I loved this museum, it was something else. $10 a person to get in and you just wandered around by yourself. It wasn’t a big place but SO MUCH to see, it was fabulous and brought back a lot of memories. They had most of it set up like a small town with a main street and then all kinds of signs. They also have a workshop there where they work on signs to repair/maintain them. There were signs all around the outside walls of the museum as well.

Well now we are headed downtown Cincinnati to see what’s there………..

10 thoughts on “Cincinnati, Ohio – American Sign Museum”

  1. Wow, I would love to see this place and take lots of pics! There is a sign museum in Las Vegas that has many of the old signs from long-gone casinos. It’s a cool place but you can take photos only with a cell phone or small camera, no big body cams like a Nikon. Ridiculous.

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